Cs: Top 100

This Week Average Stats
1 SYOPS A Counter-Strike Community
SYOPS A Counter-Strike Community
A Counter-Strike Community with multiple custom servers, forums, great people, and great times.
41 4.1
2 GodplaY Community
GodplaY Community
GodplaY Community, Download the hottest maps, skins, models, cfg's, plugins for cstrike. Download cheats vac 2 (proof) and other. Here you have cstrike, muonline, radio, fifa championship and arcade games! Join now our Community for free!
33 29.3
3 New Elite Clan
New Elite Clan
Uma das melhores clans de Portugal vê o nosso site.
19 11.3
4  :.CSz0n3bg.:|CS~fAn  Site[BG]
:.CSz0n3bg.:|CS~fAn Site[BG]
Counter-Strike FaN sItE. Mods,maps,plugins and more..... come!!!
14 3.1
5 epic.Gaming|CS:S
Wir sind ein neuer Clan und suchen noch aktive Member ab 16 Jahre!
13 15.8
6 OnlyOns  CommunitY
OnlyOns CommunitY
The best Counter-Strike 1.6 CommunitY!
12 3.2
7 dL.css  Counter Strike Community
dL.css Counter Strike Community
Wir sind eine Grosse Community für: Counter Strike 1.6,Counter Strike Source ,Day of Defeat,Half Life 2 und viele andere Games .... Wir haben seid kurzem einen eigenen Clan gegründet der Member und gegner sucht also schaut vorbei.......
11 14.8
8 -=[on 24]=-
-=[on 24]=-
-=[on 24]=- CS gaming is a fun community that has players of all ages and skill levels. Come join in the fun Today! Visit and register on our forums at www.on24cstrike.com
10 16.4
9 9.4
10 LooneyFighters Cs 1.6
LooneyFighters Cs 1.6
LooneyFighters Cs 1.6
9 33.5
11 California -[.40 cal ]- CS 1.6 Community
California -[.40 cal ]- CS 1.6 Community
California -[.40 cal ]- provides a clean gaming community for all. No swearing, trashtalking, or vulgarity. Be nice or be gone. We have a variety of servers for skill levels and mods, we also like to scrim. Hope to see you in the game. >8^)
8 20.2
12 [SzC]-=Salzgitter-Multigaming-Clan=-
-=Hi Ihr Fighter=- Wir sind ein Multigaming-Clan ! TO-CSS-C&C-HL-HL2 u.a. und suchen Member - Infos auf unserer Seite. CSS Public und noch mehr Server...
7 12.6
13 WWW.CS-eXz.RU | CS, CSS, L4D, WC, Ucoz, Films
WWW.CS-eXz.RU | CS, CSS, L4D, WC, Ucoz, Films
Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike Source, Leaft 4 Dead, Warcraft, Ucoz, Films
6 0.9
14 Conquest-Eleven
Hey we are a German CSS Gaming clan who call themselves Conquest-Eleven And we are looking for German members, and if you have time, so please go to our website.
6 0.6
15 Counter  strike 1 .6 server list
Counter strike 1 .6 server list
Counter strike 1.6 server list with live statistics, uptime monitorizing and more.You can add your own server.
5 7.7
16 HardMud.com
Dedicated Linux Game Servers including Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike Condition Zero, and Counter-Strike Source.
4 5.5
17 Fat Style
Fat Style
Web Clan Fat Style
4 1.8
18 KC - Hooligans - PT
KC - Hooligans - PT
https://kc-mtoc.clan.su/ - KC o grande Clan de Counter-Strike com um dos melhores sites de CS Portugues, Visitem todas as nossas areas vão gostar. KC - MTOC
4 28.2
19 DeathLine CSS Clan
DeathLine CSS Clan
CSS Clan. Gegründet 2009 AKTIVE MEMBER WERDEN IMMER GESUCHT GESUCHTER SKILL: LOW+ Wir bieten euch: Zur Zeit: 1x TS 1x Mumble 1x Shockvoice 2x WARSERVER 2x Publicserver Demnächst erweitern wir auf: 3x WARSERVER 1xTS 3 schaut ma rein Infinity
4 21.7
20 Nuked.se
Swedens Finest CS 1.6 servers
4 0.7
Site do clan fauzi de counter strike 1.6 Temos tutoriais, arquivos para download, uma sensacional galeria de imagens, espaço para deixar seus comentarios, status dos nossos servidores e muito mais. BRASIL
3 8.7
22 MK1 Clan
MK1 Clan
Over at mk1 we do not run and hide from the competition, nor do we ban superior "elite" players, feel free to stop by our forums and servers to say hello!
3 9
23 Counter Strike 1.6 Clan  sF
Counter Strike 1.6 Clan sF
Multilingual site with resources, maps, tutorials, cs 1.6 server, friendly admins, latest news from the gaming world, friendly forum, , faqs, infos, bots, anticheats, wallpapers, and lotsa others
2 3.1
24 .::WICKED::.  Counter Strike
.::WICKED::. Counter Strike
Server Counter Strike 1.6, WICKED, Server Online, cstrike, Server Dedicat, Wallpapers, Players Rank, Server Linux, AMXX, Live Stats, Games, Jocuri, Source, Half-Life, Forum, Tutorials
2 0.6
25 CS-bg :: Bulgarian  Counter-Strike site
CS-bg :: Bulgarian Counter-Strike site
Here you can find articles, maps, bots, server lists, patches, cheating death clients, mods, videoclips, demo players, skins, software, updates and many more!
2 4.3
26 Control  and punishment system for CS
Control and punishment system for CS
Cerberus - control amd punishment system for HL1 Mods.
2 1.4
27 .:Frozen-Cs:.
The best Counter-Strike 1.6 servers!
2 3.9
28 .DX.2010//~>_Clan.Page
Day Xell ist ein Counterstrike clan mit 2 Servern und immer auf der Suche nach Mitgliedern!
2 0.2
29 ALCOHOLICS - Alkoholicka  sieć serwerów Counter Strike !
ALCOHOLICS - Alkoholicka sieć serwerów Counter Strike !
Forum poświęcone sieci serwerów Steam & NonSteam, wszystkich fanom Counter Strike'a. TP FFA + BF2 AIM +HS
2 1.5
30 Whisky  Clan Counter Strike 1.6 Clan
Whisky Clan Counter Strike 1.6 Clan
Whisky Clan Official Website.Counter Strike 1.6 Clan.
1 1
31 Sovereign Forces Gaming
Sovereign Forces Gaming
We are a clan that is dedicated to Battlefield 2 and Counter Strike Source. We offer our members and the general public an all inclusive place to meet your gaming needs. We are currently in the process of looking for new members. So after spending some ti
1 0.1
32 Скачать Counter-Strike
Скачать Counter-Strike
Скачать CS 1.6rnDownload CS 1.6
1 5.9
33 a1k.team | Startseite
a1k.team | Startseite

1 0.1
34 ZM.VR.LT  #Zombie Plague# L.T.U
ZM.VR.LT #Zombie Plague# L.T.U
ZM.VR.LT #Zombie Plague# L.T.U
1 0.1
35 Your Game Network
Your Game Network

1 0.5
36 Counter  Strike 1.6 Community Assault & Dust2
Counter Strike 1.6 Community Assault & Dust2
'Cause you Can't Stop Insanity! Counter Strike 1.6 Fun Community. We currently play: Gungame, Assault, Dust 2. Check us out!
1 0.3
37 Extreme-Gaming
We are a fun and growing community, we have amazing fun to play with but fair admins. We currently have a WCS server, which gets quite populated during the day. Come and join the fourms and play on our server! and vote for us thanks!
1 2.7
38 Counter strike 1.6
Counter strike 1.6
Download resources for counter strike.
1 1.2
39 StAge'8| clan COD MF2  and CS 1.6
StAge'8| clan COD MF2 and CS 1.6
Join our clan :p if you want to enjoy your play time @ cs or COD :p
1 0.3
40 Cs.3TerN.RO
Counter Sreike Super Hero!!
1 0.1
41 CabanaCS
The Beast Server !
1 0.1
42 CounterForums.com
Place to talk pure Counter-Strike
0 0  
43 Top Counter-strike website english tools
Top Counter-strike website english tools
We have website rankings @ www.csbestial.com/top & in the download section we have counter-strike setup with new sounds & skins , We offer Free DNS .csbestial.com, And you can play couter-strike on the website ( flash game).upload / download cs tools
0 0.7  
44 [Nevskii Front]  team
[Nevskii Front] team
All for Counter Strike 1.6: maps, news, programs, logos.
0 2
45 Team Omerta Counter  Strike Clan from Poland
Team Omerta Counter Strike Clan from Poland
Team Omerta - Polski Klan Gry Multiplayer Online Counter-Strike Server Serwer
0 0  
46 Clan Fusion
Clan Fusion
Multi Gaming Clan We Own one Team Fortress 2 Server A Counter Strike Source Cal Server A Counter Strike Source GunGame Server A HardCore Call Of Duty Server And A NON HardCore Call Of Duty Server
0 0  
47 Gamerz-W-Attitude
A clan with a cause. Apply today and enjoy the ride. Ranked top 50 Dust2 server . Hlstats, Final Battle Ground Stats. 24/7 DUST2|NO AWPS|www.gwaclan.com|HLSTATS
0 0
48 Counter-Strike Club
Counter-Strike Club
The best Counter-Strike community, based on high-skilled players. Free GUIs, movies, demos, maps, sounds, plug-ins, and much much more. JOIN NOW it's FREE !
0 0
49 [RU]-Team  ak.Lanc3R>Tm
[RU]-Team ak.Lanc3R>Tm
CounterStrike Team
0 0
50 {th3*} Clan - Website
{th3*} Clan - Website
Nrew Counter-Strike Clan
0 0